Cieľom workshopu bola výmena skúseností troch lokalít (SK - Fresky Gemera a Malohontu, CZ - Muzeum umění v Olomovci, HU - Židovské múzeum a archív v Budapešti), ktoré sú držitelmi značky Európske dedičstvo. Workshop sa zameral predovšetkým na prínos EHL a digitalizáciu kultúrneho dedičstva. Vlastníkov gotických kostolov zastupovala s odbornou prednáškou evanjelická farárka ThDr. Janka Miháliková. Na druhý deň sa prítomní zúčastnili exkurzie komplexu najväčšej synagógy v Európe.
Workshop sa uskutočnil vďaka finančným prostriedkom z grantovej schémy Medzinárodného Vyšehradského fondu, ktoré získala Rozvojová agentúra Banskobystrického samosprávneho kraja.

Tlačová správa BBSK:
EHL BUREAU OCTOBER 2023 NEWSLETTER (Správa v informačnom buletine EHL, Brusel)

Medieval wall painting in Gemer and Malohont Regions (SK)
The Site organized and participated in a sharing experiences event titled “Project ‘Frescoes of Gemer and Malohont’ connected to other European Heritage Label Sites”. Financially supported by the Visegrad Fund, the conference was held on the 25 and 26 October 2023 at the Goldmark Hall, Budapest, Hungary. It is a great example of our EHL Sites can benefit from additional non-EU funding to implement activities!
According to the organisers the workshop is an invaluable platform for exchanging experience among three holders of the European Heritage Label, as well as project partners in the areas of Digitalization of Cultural Heritage and the Impact of the European Heritage Label: Pros and Cons.
Several EHL holders attended the conference: Hungarian Jewish Museum & Archives (HU), Olomouc Museum of Art (CZ), and the Evangelical church of Augsburg confession in Rimavské Brezovo (SK), Monument protection bureaus (SK+CZ). The EHL Bureau was also present and delivered a presentation on its vision for the EHL and the Community of Practice.
We will provide further updates on the outcomes of the event in due course. |